
Troubling Energy Trends

Troubling Energy Trends

Today in Michiana we are seeing some troubling energy trends. For most, the energy world seems exciting, innovative, and full of promise, although complex and hard to understand. Many consumers have thoughts and feelings about energy, but most know too little about...

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Energy Strategy Made Simple

Energy Strategy Made Simple

Today's Challenges If energy savings seemed simpler, your business would probably be pursuing them more confidently. But the energy world is a complicated place and the idea of designing an energy strategy to capture savings and reduce consumption is daunting. Adding...

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Stop Paying for More Electricity Than You’re Using!

Stop Paying for More Electricity Than You’re Using!

Metered vs. Billed: A costly market dynamic that businesses need to understand   1. The Problem: Energy Costs Are Complex Energy costs are a primary expense for commercial and industrial consumers. But there may be a difference between how much electricity you...

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Transformer Failure: A Manufacturer’s Nightmare

Transformer Failure: A Manufacturer’s Nightmare

Do not go into the Summer without knowing your transformers are operating within safe limits. 1. A Bulletproof Process Recently, the plant manager of a Goshen manufacturing facility explained to me why they had installed redundant air compressors in the facility, “If...

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Start With A Strategy,
Not A Product.

Start with Tactical Energy Group!